16 de jun. de 2022LIKE + SHARE + COMMENT (what's your truth?) Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/42lnwx...Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-... "The Truth" by Pistols At Dawn "Ascension" Album drops 8-19-22 STREAM + DOWNLOAD "The Truth": https://ffm.to/padthetruth Song Produced by: Sylvia Massy (www.sylviamassy.com) + Chris Pierson Song Mastered by: Maor Applebaum, Appelbaum Mastering (www.maorappelbaum.com) Video Directed by Michael Mueller, M3 Creative (www.M3Creative.net ) VFX by Robert Paraguassu Pistols At Dawn "The Truth" single and full album "Ascension" distributed by: MEGAFORCE RECORDS Follow Pistols At Dawn: Facebook: www.facebook.com/PistolsAtDawnBand Instagram: www.instagram.com/pistolsatdawnofficial Website: https://www.pistolsatdawnband.com Subscribe to t...