Spielbergs have today announced that their new album, Vestli, will be released on August 19th via Big Scary Monsters Records, the band have also shared a double A-side single, When They Come For Me / Get Lost. Vestli is the follow-up to their acclaimed debut album, This Is Not The End, and sees them unite once more with producer Tord Øverland-Knutsen. Spielbergs fast-established themselves as a refuge for like-minds, people seeking a place to hear something they recognised in themselves, their wielding of a sound that melded indie-rock, post-rock, punk and echoes of 90’s emo, resonated far beyond their native Oslo. Their music existed as a way to escape, a place to get lost within, so with Vestli coming into view it might be a surprise to hear the band focussing their attentions on feeling...