Osaka Popstar have released the new animated video for the single, Lost & Found, from the band’s latest release, Ear Candy, that is out now on Misfits Records. The video stars animated versions of Fred Armisen and Osaka Popstar as well as cameos by the Devil Dogs, The Kawaii Black Metal Trio, Sweetie Candy Vigilante and includes nods to Saturday morning breakfast cereals, The Partridge Family, The Archies and The Monkees. Fronted and produced by longtime Misfits and Ramones collaborator John Cafiero on vocals, with Dean Rispler (The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black) on guitar and bass duties, Jon Wurster (Superchunk / Bob Mould / The Mountain Goats) on drums and features a guest appearance Colleen Green on backing vocals. Ear Candy is available on limited edition candy swirl R...