Wrecking Crew was a Boston hardcore band that is often credited with putting Boston hardcore back on the map (alongside Slapshot). Comprised of Glenn Dudley, John Darga, Ralph DiNunzio, Keith Bennett, and Taras Hrabec they formed in 1986 and soldiered on with the original lineup until ’91. November 18, 1989 – WRECKING CREW opened for Mordred and Nuclear Assault at the Paradise Rock Club. I was 16 years old. Between April 13th, 1988 and November 17th, 1989, I was incarcerated in treatment centers for problematic children. If you have done your homework, or you know me or my advocacy, life, and work, then you know I am a child victim. I am a white Jewish kid from a respectable family near Boston, Massachusetts. Therefore, it was unacceptable for anyone to know what was being done...