3min with... Lzzy HaleEstreou em 27 de nov. de 2021Of course this was about to happen... 3min with... Lzzy Hale during our time before sound checking in Houston TX. Hope you enjoy this one and feel free to watch all the other 3min with... videos featuring Amy, Will, Troy and many others. Next week I'll be back on tour with another wwwvvloogggg for y'all... I love you. Thanks for the support and see you again next Saturday Please follow me on: https://www.instagram.com/jen_majura/https://www.facebook.com/jenmajuraoff... https://twitter.com/JenMajurahttps://www.tiktok.com/@jenmajura? #BitterTruthTour #Evanescence #JenMajuraJen Majura