Jack Russell’s Great White – No Quarter // Whole Lotta Love (Official Audios)

Here’s a sneak preview of the latest release from Jack Russell’s Great White! This long-awaited sequel to the 1998 album that became one of the group's best-selling, most loved albums, rocks even harder than its predecessor and includes all-new covers of "Whole Lotta Love," "Kashmir," "Houses Of The Holy," "Misty Mountain Hop" and more! Russell's voice has only improved with the years and he is ably backed by stellar guitarists Robby Lachner & Michael Olivieri along with bassist Dan McNay & drummer Dicki Fliszar! Order yours now at https://greatwhiteband.bandcamp.com Release date is August 13, 2021! For more on Jack Russell’s Great White check out: - https://www.facebook.com/JackRussells... on Facebook - https://www.instagram.com/jacksgreatw... on Instagram - https://twitter.com/Ja...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon